Focus on the Forest, Not the Trees

Growing up I was fortunate to have a supportive family – one in which was created through divorce, remarriage, and adoption. I love my blended family, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for my mother, my stepdad (now “real dad”) and a family law attorney who helped create the family I have today.

I know first-hand what it is like being a child with multiple adults trying to figure out how to co-parent, how to transport me 15 hours to another state for visitation, and how to navigate the complexities and complications of this custody arrangement – all while trying to have as little impact on me as possible.

Navigating a parenting plan post-divorce can be beyond difficult, but as long as you keep your kids #1 on the priority list, it all works out – I can attest to that. Fast forward to now, and I’m proud to say that I’m one of the family law attorneys that can help you set those priorities. I always knew I wanted to use my law degree to make a difference and have a positive impact on the world. So, I am here to represent those people who have good hearts but are going through a difficult time. I’m here to remind them that things will get better and that kids will grow up to appreciate everything they’re doing for them, just like I did with my parents.

I don’t remember the bad. I remember the good. I remember my mom being the bigger person and moving on instead of fighting over every detail because she knew that was what was best for me. I remember my stepdad stepping up and providing me with opportunities I would have never had otherwise. I remember those around me showing me how much I mattered and how much of a priority I was to them.

Most people have heard the phrase “You can’t see the forest for the trees,” and I try to remind people of that when they’re going through a contested divorce or child custody disagreement – do not get so caught up in the details of the moment that you forget what truly matters long term. If you are going through litigation, here’s your reminder: when you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, go outside and take it all in – the trees, the grass, the birds – and remind yourself of the bigger picture (the forest that is the rest of your life).

Written by: Nicole Metsch, Associate Attorney for CT Law


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